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AGM 2024

3rd August 2024

Onyx Restaurant, Cambridge

All members welcome!

Want to join the club?

Please download, complete and submit the membership application form


Membership Application Form

Welcome to the Triumph Stag Owner's Club in New Zealand

The Stag Owners Club in New Zealand was formed in 1984 to provide Stag owners the opportunity to meet fellow enthusiasts, to share technical knowledge and to provide parts for their cars at reasonable prices. Club members regularly enjoy social gatherings usually in the form of runs organised by the respective regional co-ordinators.

The club publishes a magazine which comes out quarterly. Here you can read about events attended in the various regions and catch up on a bit of technical data. The club has over 130 members nationwide with the majority situated in the greater Auckland area. It also has a register of all known Stags in New Zealand either in the club or not.

If you are interested in joining the club please email the Secretary or complete the form on the Contact Us page.

And don't forget, if you're traveling to or around New Zealand and would like to meet up with fellow Staggers, contact the Club Secretary or the Area Coordinators.

Spare Parts Service


The club's spare parts service has resumed!


Please contact the Club's Parts Officer via email for all your spare parts.

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